flying plants and honey buckets. and loving Jesus and your mommies too!

<< current

Travis smells, yes, yes he does. Car is my hero. Sarah makes me giggle. Lauren is the coolest of the cool. Ryan is a Dork. Leah never posts anymore, neither do Molly, Alex, or Nathan. We miss them. Erin has an excuse, she's in Austrailia.

jesus loves you and your mom
Thursday, October 31  

Yeah, I've gots to call my aunt with my remaining 20 minutes... I've used 95% of my phone card talking to you, and apparently my aunt could use a cal from me right now..... So while I'd love to hear it from you, I think I'm going to have to ask you to type it up because I just can't afford to talk!

| Ryan spilled @ 10/31/2002 08:22:00 PM |


Somebody get a little nookie?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/31/2002 03:25:00 PM |


In a good way.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/31/2002 11:05:00 AM |


In a good way.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/31/2002 11:05:00 AM |


Um, Well, it'll have to be right quick, I'm nearly out of a phone card... Too much stuff in a good way or in a bad way?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/31/2002 05:16:00 AM |


Too much stuff happened tonight for me to write it all down. Ryan, when can we talk next on the phone?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/31/2002 12:33:00 AM |

Wednesday, October 30  

Ok, I know it posted this time. That's my little rant I was working on sunday that I finished today....... (Yes I know, I'm nowhere near the writer that you or the illustrious Jason are, but still, I enjoy writing, and I'd dig a little critisism.)

| Ryan spilled @ 10/30/2002 10:54:00 AM |


"One akward convorsation can ruin my whole day, in the company of strangers with some vulgar shit to say. Cocktail hour social like an obsolete machine. Spitting anictdotes, and boring jokes, from someone else's spleen, yeah. And I always seem to miss the point completley, and here I am again. Caught a paris train wreck, and I ought to look away, but I'm yawning like a kid in a carpet store. Refusing to be intresting is a funny way to go, but I guess you know you busisness. You're the one who makes the wind storm blow. And I always say I miss the point completley, and here I am again. Here I am again. And I always wish you'd behave more discrelty, it's knid of puzzeling, but you're falling into place, it's what you do best. You're a popular opinion. You're an easy thing to foster. You're an ostinations touroust. You're a predetermened outcome. You're a record left on the dashboard. You're a nasty little pill. You miss the point completley. I get the point exactly. You miss the point completley. I get the point exactly. You miss the point completley. I get the point exactly. Now. You miss the point completley. I get the point exactly. Now. You miss the point completley. I get the point exactly. Now. You miss the point completley!"

High Fedelity by Nick Hornby is one of the greatest books ever. (there's even a top 5 list on the cover) and I think I've determined that hardcore, my #1 favorite band of all time is Harvey Danger.

My top five Authors:
Chuck Palanuk (Fight Club, Beautiful Monsters, Choke, and Survivor)
Nick Hornsby (High Fidelity, About a Boy, How to be Good)
Hunter S Thompson (Hell's Angels, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey Into the Heart of the American Dream, Better then Sex: Confessions of a political Junkie, The Great Shark Hunt, Generation of Swine, Fear and Loathing: On the campaign Trail 1972, The Curse of Lono, Screwjack, The Rum Diary, The Proud Highway, and a couple others I can't remember)
Alex Garland (The Beach, The Tesseract)
George Orwell (1984, Animal Farm)

I've got all but beautiful monsters and survivor, about a boy, FALOTCT1972 and Screwjack.
They're all at my dad's house too. Well, I have high fidelity, and Hell's angels (I dunno why I brought high fidelity over everything else, probably because I love how it's me in a relationship, and well, that's kinda been on the forefront of my mind, and I brought Hell's angels because it's a 1st edition from 1964, it's my prized posession........)
In fact, I'd be extremly happy if you went to my dad's house, found the heaviest box of mine, and got those books out and read them. They'll do no good unread in a box, and I love sharing my favorite things (mainly authors, music and recipies.)

Anywho, I just took back High Fidelity from Patrick, and now I'm going to read it and then give it to Jetchick.
I'm so happy I met jetchick, I've finally found someone I can totally relate to. He used to have a blue WRX, just like travis, but unlike Travis's beautiful machine, he had about trippled the horsepower..... It was a thing of beauty.... And he used to race it. There are 2 people here who've been to street races, and he's the other one.
He used to be a DJ too, that's how he had the $ to pay for his machine. He played a festivle with Moby and the Chemical brothers. MOBY and the CHEMICAL BROTHERS. It's so cool because he's really humble about it, he was just thrilled to be playing with MOBY..... And when he tells it you can really hear how thrilled he was.... It's awesome too because there's only 3 techno fans I know, him, me and another kid who was mainly a fan of the drug sceen, not the music. So really, the onlyones here who like the crazy little vegan here are us..... :)
ANywho, Enough rambling, I just thought I'd say how cool it is to finally be able to relate to someone on so many levels. Most kids here had such a diffrent life then I have, and It's so nice to finally be myself and have people understand me.......
And I'll be home in like a month and a half! Then I'll be back home, where I'll be with you kids. Back where I belong!
I love you much
I miss you much.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/30/2002 09:14:00 AM |

Tuesday, October 29  

Unfortunately, Ryan, I think you've missed the point.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/29/2002 03:41:00 PM |


"Stuck on you" by Failure, why does it have to be such a good song?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/29/2002 03:14:00 PM |


Carly. I think you missed the biggest clicker there. Is he christian?
And read his whole site? That's so much! You read it all? That's kind of scaring me.
Look, I know how much it sucks ass looking for Mr. Right. Hell, looking for Mr. Anyone. Ok, well, myaby not Mr. But I do know how hard it is to find Miss right.
First of all, you've read a lot more then I have, and quite frankly, I've not heard mention of God. And specifically, not a single thought about Jesus. For a guy who pours his heart out into his writing, I don't see anything resembling your faith poping out. And when you base your entire life around your faith, and he doesn't. It will Never Work Out.
And that's just for starters.
Look, I'm going say something that I probably shouldn't. But I think I need to.
Maybe you know this, I haven't been so good at hiding it apparently. The boys have known all along, and apparently word leaked from them, and yadda yadda yadda, Meh, we'll see what happens in 6 months eh?
I've had a hardcore crush on Erin for like, well, pretty much for as long as I've know her.
When she talks about how I made a comment last december that had her worried, well, I guess she was right in being worried.
We clicked hardcore when we met at cru, and the more I got to know her, the more I thought she was the coolest girl ever. It was a fullblown crush by the time she left for austrailia the first time. But you know Erin. Besides, I know she's never had any intrest in me. So I figgured I'd see her again in 6 months, and hopefully I'd be over her, and our friendship could pickup again.
So, she's gone for 6 months, I date makeoutbreakupgirl, I forget about Erin. I never really got over her I guess, I just forgot her. When she came back I didn't even think she'd remember me. But she did. We went hiking, and she fell in and it was cool because we had the friendship back like right away, AND I didn't have any feelings for her. I thought, sweet, I did it, I'm over her, and we can just be friends without me adding any stupid complications. It was that way too,and it was great. For like 3 weeks. (I'm having computer troubles, I'm going to post now so I don't lose it...)

So then after those 3 weeks, I'd really gotten to know Erin, like waymoreso then before. From what I knew before, I was extremly attracted to her. Then after she got back, she was like 8 times even more attractive to me. So, of course, after I'd gotten to know her again, not only was that stupid crush back, but it was back even harder. I had a crush on Erin the whole summer. But I knew then, and I know now, it's never ever going to come to anything. I want it to, but I know it'll never happen, and she's been one of my best friends. I don't want to screw up the friendship by bringing stupid feelings into it. I never told her, and I never told you. I didn't want it to get back to her because I want to get over it and I don't want our friendship to get wierd. (although I dunno if it matters anymore, Jon knew because I had to talk to someone about it. I told kids here because telling them couldn't do any damage, and they all told me to tell her how I felt. I thought they were insane, yet they had a darn good case for it. So I called Jon to talk to him about it, and he said, Dude, don't talk to her about it, she already knows.) Anywho, my point is, It's not easy to admit it wont work out when you've got feelings for someone, but sometimes you just have to give it up and get over it. Feel blessed that it's just a random internet writer. You can simply walk away and get over it. Yes, it'll be rather unpleasent, but the fact is, he lives thousands of miles away, he doesn't share the same core beliefs as you, and you've never met him. The cards are stacked to heavily against you. Walk away now and give "neal" a call. I know I'm oversimplifying things a bit. Erin's the farthest away from me any human being can get on this planet, I haven't talked to her since she left, and I'm still not over her. (Quite frankly I'm extremly afraid of what happens if I come back home, and I'm still not over her, because I know that it's probably going to be wierd enough) It's hard. It's extremly hard. That leads me into a side track. Why do emotions hold such a sway over us? (and by us I mean me, I can't speak for everyone, so maybe I'm insane, but I've always thought of myself as a well adujsted human being) I've noticed that there are things that in my head I know to be one way, but yet my emotions have such a strong pull in the oposite direction. Ok, so maybe it's just 2 things but still. I know in my head that I've got no shot with Erin, and that I'm a fool for not being able to give it all up. Yet here I am. With seth. I know he's up there with Jebus. I'm actually slightly envious of him. He doesn't have to grow up in this world of crap. Of angst, and crazy women, and the fact that we love them..... He doesn't have to deal with growing up, or getting old, or dealing with death, and pain, and all the crap that we do. He gets to grow up in heaven with God. Yet, I still get teary eyed when I think about him. Or whenever the subject of dealing with crap like that comes up. I'm getting choked up right now.... (we're slightly on the subject of evil in the world, and why God allows pain to happen in theology 101, and our sermons in chapple recently seem to be coordinated) ANywho. Same idea. In my head, I know that the best thing to happen to him was to be taken up to God so quickly. But emotionally, I still weep over him. Ok, enough of that side track, my apologies, I had to get that out a bit there.... Anywho. Carly, it's not an easy thing. at all. But for some reason, easy and best usually are never the same thing. I'll call you later tonight too. But right now I've spent too much time typing all this for you, and I need to get some work done that I had to get back to someone at 7.......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/29/2002 02:33:00 PM |


Jason's Head

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/29/2002 12:51:00 PM |


Oh goodness. I have to goto class now. But we'll talk.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/29/2002 10:31:00 AM |


Ryan--I am in love with the guy who writes that blog I told you about. I am in love with him. I am everything he wants in a girl, but I was born on the wrong side of the country! Dang it! He's perfect for me! and I for him! and I don't know what the heck I can do about it! I've been reading every last one of his posts, and I keep finding things that he says that are like me and I want to scream, "I'm right here! I do exist!" And I've been battling with myself over whether or not I should email him, and if/when I do, what will I say to him that will convince him that I am not like any of the other girls who have emailed him. I know for a fact that I am probably one of the only chicks in the entire world that understands exactly where this guy, Jason, is coming from.

...Oh, the fact that he has yet to find a girl who enjoys the smell of cigar smoke left in a his sweatshirt just as much as he does... I'm right here! I do exist! I do! If I could, I would rub my face in your chest and breathe the sweet aroma still resting cozily in the soft, likely cotton, material...

Ryan, he loves Switchfoot. Did I tell you he loves Switchfoot? And Pedro the Lion? And Dashboard? And The Strokes? And SWITCHFOOT?

He'd like a girl who plays the guitar... He thinks it's sexy.

He likes girls open to tattoos--for goodness sake, I've always planned to get one!

He watches movies for the same silly reasons that I do. Exactly the same reasons. The movies we have both seen, we both love.


I dare you to read his blog starting at the beginning and reading up until the most recent post--I DARE YOU--and not see me in his writing... or his desires. I don't think he'd even care about what I looked like! I think he would actually care more about my personality! ...What a dream come true that would be for me.

Did I mention he's from Ireland? He's Irish. He's also an American citizen, but he is first and foremost, Irish.

I am in pain thinking about how badly I wish he could have lived here... so that I may have known him. Will I ever find a match as perfect as he seems for me? I can't help but ask myself this with every sentence I read typed out by him... I am simply captivated.

Ryan and Sarah, pity me as much as you wish... Even if you don't, I would understand if you did. But trust me, just a teeny-tiny fraction of what I am feeling right now has been written above... Just a pinch, actually...

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/29/2002 12:53:00 AM |

Monday, October 28  

Yay! Babies are good eh? But no babies for a good long while! I can't handle my friends getting married, let along spawning mini carlys......
So, Have you kids seen Ghost in the Shell at all? It's one of those intresting question what it means to be human anime's, and it ends with a rather intresting quote from paul. I never realized that it was paul being quoted, and I'm now trying to wrap my head around it.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/28/2002 07:00:00 AM |

Sunday, October 27  

Nope, not quite. And guess what! I can still have babies!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/27/2002 11:53:00 PM |


Yeah, hey, what's up? I need a update, you gonna have a spleen rupture and beat me to seeing Jesus or what?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/27/2002 09:52:00 AM |


I wish I wasn't so bored!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/27/2002 12:24:00 AM |

Friday, October 25  

I wish I could write songs period....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/25/2002 10:25:00 PM |


That's awesome that they all like Jordan. He is sooo talented. I wish I could write songs the way he does.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/25/2002 08:24:00 PM |

Thursday, October 24  

Well I sure could use you around,
cause I think I'm fallin down,
and I need your help to hold on to this.
Oh well I, I need to hear it said, before I goto bed.
And your on your way,
to help me throught, this.

And if close my eyes, would you whisper in in my ear?
And if I closed my mind, would I feel your love is near?
Your love is near

Oh, well I need to know for sure,
you're on the way with my cure.
Cause I'm feelin sick,
and deseased with my pride.


And if I closed my eyes, would you whisper in my ear?
And if I closed my mind, would I feel your love is near?
And if I went, far away, would you chase after me?

I'll be here,
and I'll just wait.
Cause I know your on your way.
And I'll be here, I'll just wait, cause I know your on your way.


And If I closed my eyes, would you whisper in my ear?
And if I closed my mind, would I feel your love is near?
And If went far away, would you chase after me?
Well, after me? Well, after me? Chase after me? Chase after no!?

(Jordan Munoz is the new hit sensation of Bethany Bible college ever since nimmer let me burn copies of his CD.... So now kids are larning how to play him, and since I'm the only one who knows the words, I'm the new singer of all of Jordan's songs, and so I'm typing out lyrics so I can get then down just right. Because it's one thing to sing along to a cd, but it's another thing to know all the words and sing them with just a guitar eh? It's wierd though because the opening chourds are the same as the chorus of "This Month" So instead of "Well I...." I start singing, "This month is pink, it's something, no wait, wrong song.........")

| Ryan spilled @ 10/24/2002 03:08:00 PM |


Stayed in his car for 35 min? Now there's a deffinate sign of, well, if nothing else, at least a deep friendship that'll come of things. I'd say it's a good sign of intrest too, but then again, I'm guilty of sittin gin the car with say Jon, or Erin... Mitchell still going to CRU? Tell everyone that I love them all very much and I miss them all very much. Everything goin alright for everyone? How are Josh and Fie? Are they alright?
It's funny that after but 2 months of school there's already some deffinate cliques formed here. It's not hardcore devisions, but there are groupes of people that tend to get formed, actually, it's probably rather natural, people just make friendships, and then hang out with their friends....
But anywho, so there I was, friends with one groupe of kids, but boy howdy has it gotten ugly. There was this almost hookup between Luke and Lily (the ex-fiancee...) but Luke decided that it would be best if they didn't get together (I agree, lily's got a lot of relational issues to work hrough right now.) but apparently, Lily took it not so well, and now a major catfight has ensued. It's getting ugly, and while I'm fortunatly not really an insider in this groupe, so I can remove myself from it. But I am rather close to a few people, and it pisses me off that they all hate each other....
I'm right bad at bowling, but its fun eh?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/24/2002 07:39:00 AM |


Ok, so CRU was awesome tonight! We went bowling and we were all great! I had a gutterball/strike average--it was amazing! When we were all bowled-out, we decided to go to dinner at Sheri's, (or is it Cheri's?), in Woodinville. It was the second time I've ever been and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Of course, Neal and Sarah were unable to make it and that was sad, but maybe sometime in the future, eh?

It was jolly good times. I sat next to Jill and John Reynolds. Oh yeah, Jon Johnson came and I haven't seen him in about two weeks and I was SO happy that he came! It was fun talking to him too. But yeah, for the most part, I just sat there listening to everyone else's conversations. Valeesa and Jill thoroughly enjoyed laughing at my Valley Girl impersonations and John R. spent his time irritating Jill even though I sat between them. Nick drove me to and from and then back to Cascadia to drop me off at my car and I had a great time talking to him. We ended up getting to Cascadia around 1:00 or just slightly after and talking about stuff until 1:35 AM. We finally decided that we both needed sleep and that we'd better depart. It was different sitting there alone with him in the dark in his car, but at the same time, I felt totally comfortable and at ease, so that was good.

He said that from what he knows of me so far, he thinks I am a "really cool girl." His words--and he said it without me asking him what he thought of me! It was weird, he just said it! It was really sweet. We found out that we both have self-esteem problems and that we are struggling to overcome certain issues, but it was nice that we both felt the same way about those things too. So, he is an awesome friend and I hope to get to no him better later.

It was so fun playing with you today, Sarah! I'm SOOOO glad that you are coming to CRU!

Hope to talk to you soon, Ryan! Miss you bunchies! later!


| Anonymous spilled @ 10/24/2002 02:15:00 AM |

Wednesday, October 23  

No, that's fine. I figured that... Anything you want me to tell the people of CRU tonight?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/23/2002 04:58:00 PM |


(sorry bout last night, I got dissconnect for some reason, and so after getting a this number has been dissconnected at yo house, I decuded to goto bed (it was slightly 2amish already))

| Ryan spilled @ 10/23/2002 12:45:00 PM |


Barbara Manatee! (Manatee, Manatee!)
You are the one for me! (One for me! One for me!)
And from up above! (Up above! Up above!)
You are the one I love! (La la la la la la la la!!!)

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/23/2002 07:56:00 AM |


It's right good, I dig it quite a lot.
I dunno what I miss more, the countdown, or simply watching it with everyone.......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/23/2002 06:11:00 AM |

Tuesday, October 22  

I'm watching Veggietales' Ultimate Silly Song Countdown right now and I'm remembering how awesome it is...

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/22/2002 11:46:00 PM |


is the newest one real good?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/22/2002 09:15:00 PM |


So, I aced the Intro to bible study midterm that my roomate told me he failed last semester.....
I love prayer. I've pretty much given these tests 100% over to the big guy. Because honestly I couldn't have done them.
Yet here I sit, having acted the Bib lit and Bible study midterms. Why? I think he was helping me study a whole lot these past two nights.....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/22/2002 05:26:00 AM |


I tried just the once. I suppose I could call you now, but it's slightl 5:18am your time.....
Where's my act troubleshooter CD that's really Josh's ace troubleshooter CD that I forgot to give back?
It's 9am my time, 5 o clock yours.......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/22/2002 05:20:00 AM |


Ok, how many times did you try to call me today? I tried to talk to you but I never heard you--it was terrible! And I wanted to talk to you SOOO badly! Call me sometime tomorrow. I have class from 1:15-3:20--I dunno what that is your time, but maybe you can call me sometime before then I would be so grateful.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/22/2002 01:33:00 AM |

Monday, October 21  


| Anonymous spilled @ 10/21/2002 09:21:00 PM |


Right-o, so 15 min later, I was out the door singing "Bib lit was ridiclously easy, ridiclously easy ridiclously easy..... OOOOh bib lit was ridiculiously easy.......... (only I can't spell correctly, please bare with me.)

| Ryan spilled @ 10/21/2002 10:22:00 AM |


Yes. John calvin was one of the major olayers in the feild of prodestant theology. Most babtists follow a general calvinist view......
I goto a weslean school, Methodest, weslean, and nazzereen follow the theological ideas of John wesley.
I dunno what the other theological basises are for the other denominations. I know weslean since I goto a weslean school, and baptist since I am a baptist, and since us baptists are the hardcore rivals of welseans (not really, it's a friendly rivally, the only way we really differ is in the idea of entire sanctafecation (baptists don't believe in that) and I believe in eternal salvation, (wesleans thing you could loose your salvation, crazy wesleans....)
So, I'm really pumped. In about 10 min I have my biblical litrature 101 test. Now, yesterday I thought I would fail it. ANd I studies, and I prayed, and I studies some more. Now I'm to the point where I'm 100% sure I'm going to get a killer grade. I got to the point where I said, fudge it. I can't do this. If I get it done, it'll be purley because God is smarter then me and he's going to help me study. Sure enough, I somehow learned everything lastnight, and badabing bada boomb, I can tell you the stupised, most usless facts about the old testemate (not that the old testemate is stupid, but comeon now, do you really have to memorize who Jhonathan's son was? The story of his falling and becoming crippled has an aplication to real life, but the fact is, the kid's name isn't going to matter when it comes to really knowing what's going on...) Anywho. It's test time. (And Sarah! WHY are you posting at 6:40am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I posted at 6:37am, but that' 10:37 my time......)
Much love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(And Go getcho mack on with Neal Miss Sweetness...)

| Ryan spilled @ 10/21/2002 09:27:00 AM |


Is that why I've heard people say that they either are or aren't a "Calvinist"?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/21/2002 08:00:00 AM |


It's a really good thing that Doc doesn't put any points to his tests.... In john calvin's TULIP throey, explain the U and I..... cracka please......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/21/2002 06:37:00 AM |


SO there I was right, about oh.... 4 hours later, and you know what? I'm not going to fail, why? cause for some reason I know stuff. Word to your Jesus.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/21/2002 04:19:00 AM |

Sunday, October 20  

Hear O Isreal: the Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strenght.
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you mat be careful to obey everything within it. Then you will be prosperous and sucessfull.
Delight in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this; He will make your rightiousness shine like the dawn, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun.

Dude, if I pass these midterms, it is only going to be through the grace of the Lord.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/20/2002 02:48:00 PM |


So, I'm starting to get this really irrational fear. You see, there were a LOT of albums that came out in 1997 that are still my favorites. OLP's gravity, Foo Fighter's colour and the shape, Failure's fantastic planet, Grabage's first one, the really good deftone's one with be quite and drive (wich I'm listing to right now).... and so on. And well, they're still some of my favorites. I'm beginning to wonder If I'll be forever stuck in the late 90's.... Don't get me wrong, i love the music that's out now, but still some of my favorites are from the late 90's still... I don't want to end up like my dad, forever loving the late 70's early 80's music like he does so much, but I dunno if I can help it. And I'm really scared. Hold me.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/20/2002 11:21:00 AM |

Saturday, October 19  

wow, almost exactly 20 min apart. I shoulda waited just 3 more seconds.......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/19/2002 08:05:00 PM |


I know, I have no clue what's going on, so me, in my silly ways just has to but in with something stupid.
Sorry I wasn't round for yo IM, Sweetness? Te he he, I didn't realize we had pet names now... Gimme a day to think of something good......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/19/2002 08:03:00 PM |


I'm responding to Sarah's comment.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/19/2002 07:43:00 PM |


Um, I dunno, you tell us!

| Ryan spilled @ 10/19/2002 07:00:00 PM |


If it was Neal, what would be the problem?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/19/2002 03:27:00 PM |


Ack! Sarah!

| Ryan spilled @ 10/19/2002 07:07:00 AM |

Friday, October 18  

Wow I'm verbose eh?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/18/2002 07:10:00 PM |


He did too say peole are getting together! that punk.....
I knows you were teasing... Ok, just talked to travis, I already know 95% of the drama from Jon Johnson.... However I'm curious, Jon says that he and Tisha Agreed not to hook up, a mutual thing, Travis says Jon screwed up and hurt tisha..... I know I usually hear a bit over or down played story from Mr. Johnson depending on his role in things.... What happened there?
Um, Ryan is slightly unable to find his phonecard at the moment.... So you'll have to call me! (506) 433-1513. I'm always back in the dorms by midnight (that's slightly cerfew) wich is 8:00 yo time. And saturdays I'm usually put of the shower round 12:30 (I get up at 11:30, then eat lunch and hop i nthe shower) so that's like 8:30am yo time... hmmm, maybe a lil early eh? But other then that, I don't ever know what time I'll be near a phone. So, you can buy the ticket and takes yo chances, or um... e-mail?
Remember though, east coast of canada is expensive to some people. So check your cell phone plan first! (Or steal Jon JOhnson's or Travis's)
That little "Incedent" aside, tell me more about this "neal" (and his "laser beam") He a hottie? but most imporntanly, he a music freak like the rest of us? Because unless you find yourself a cute, smart, music geek(and I do stress this one here, and by geek I don't mean the nerdy type geek, but the type that's wholy obsessed with music like we are...), (and other qualities that I don't know are on your list...) you's not gonna be happy.....
Learn from my mistakes, DON'T Settle just because there's the oporunity to be with someone. You remember Abi right? Miss make out with me then break up with me? I think travis might be the only one to know this, but what the hey? I acutally had a thing for (guess who?) Tisha at the time. (Yes, that means that Me, Travis, Jon, Zachary, and probably others, if we get josh and mitchell in there, I doubt josh though because of Fie, and probably not mitchell, he'd have just gone for it if he was..., that's all of the male members of CRU last year...) And I really remember the first time she came onto me, it was after CRU in denney's one night. I was trying to talk to Tisha, and Abi was hanging on me, I remember I thought Tisha was much better for me then Abi, but yet ,look what happened, I setteled for abi because well, I could. I justified it by saying that Tisha didn't have anything for me, but I never really knew, and I was probably right, but still, look at who I eneded up with.... Chalk another crazy woman up to the ex-girlfriend list. ANd that's not even mentioning the terrorist or the schitsophrenic. Again, I settled because I really wanted a relationship, and hey hey, there was someone who showed intrest.
So, I could be completly wrong on this one, and just giving myself advice because quite frankly I'm tired of being single, and I need to hear my own advice sometimes. (Odd how we do that eh? read our own situations into other people's problems? Or maybe that's just me.)
Speaking of wich, it's intresting to note that I'm glad I floowed your's and luke's advice... So Igave it a whole bunch of time, and while I've still got a bit of a crush on Heidi, I really don't anymore.... I dunno if I just talked myself out of it, or if the fact that I prayed a lot about it or what it was, but I look back on what I wrote and I'm like, sheesh, why was I so hung up? It's really quite a relief. I mean, yes, I DO want a relationship, but the fact of the matter is, I really don't want one that god don't want me in. ANd I think that my fickle heart pulls me in so many directions that God doesn't want me pulled in. Really, I shouldn't even say that the I have a crush on her anymore. I'm attracted to her still, yeah, but it's way managable, and fading fast. (Now if only that would happen with that other unwanted crush....)
Did you know that biblically, the way that adam knew god uses the same word as in how adam "Knew" eve? And that God seeks to know us in the same way?
So, you want to "get to know" Neal a little better eh? Well, Good luck?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/18/2002 07:05:00 PM |


haha! I wasn't mocking! I was only teasing! You know how much I love you!

Did I tell you that there's a guy I met at CRU that I really like talking to? He's really coooooooool, and I think I'd like to "get to know him better" if you know what I mean. Maybe? I dunno, I said something kinda funny and maybe stupid to him on Wednesday night at Red Robin. I kinda regret it, but I may not, because maybe he liked it--I'd have to tell you the whole story, but I don't want to tell you online or on blog. I'd rather talk to you on the phone. Anyways, hope you have an awesome day. Oh yeah, and Travis said he didn't say people are hooking up, he said he only told you that there was some drama. Where did you pick up on the "people getting together"?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/18/2002 01:53:00 PM |


I do, I really really do. Why laugh? Why mock my pain? Haha? Here I am, hurting deeply because I miss my best friends and you mock me? That hurts. Deep down inside, where I'm soft, like a woman......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/18/2002 10:26:00 AM |

Thursday, October 17  

You miss us don't you? haha.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/17/2002 08:22:00 PM |

Wednesday, October 16  

Dude, I got down the main riff to carlotta valdez by harvey danger, wich is one of my favorite songes, and it's got a hardcore riff that I didn't think I'd ever get (2 quick e's, then slide it up for 2 quick d's, up a string for 4 quick a flats, then back doen for 2 ds, and the up a string to b flat, then it's back to the two e's then 2 d's then 4 a flats, then 2 a's and a finishing a flat....) Nono, not an a flat, there's an a in the song, it's a g sharp so it's 4 g sharps, then 2 d's..... g sharp eh? Lemme go look here... So, that means its in the key of a. THe G wouldn't be flat if it was the key of d, and the D would be sharped if it was in e, so that leaves us with but A major!!!!!!!!!!!! Dude. I'm understanding music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahhh the joys of living in a dorm with 34 other guys on the floor. after getting kille din a game of risk (you take chanses and sometimes it works, other times, you get back doored....) Josh decided to pull the old "dude, you see where I put my penis?" trick.... NOT something I needed to see.....
It's really wierding me out how there's such a lack of female influence on us guys.... I mean, there's the whole campus to hang out thing, but really, most farting around is done in the dorms, and there's no girls allowed in my dorm.... It's just kind of odd to never have girls around......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/16/2002 10:51:00 PM |


I'm just as serious, but honestly I was thinking glasgow or edinburogh. I'm a hardcore scottish fan for some reason.....
I honestly was a bit upset to drive through all of the east coast like I did. I always thought it'd be hardcore romantic to take a long train ride through the forsts in fall (in a sleeper car maybe on the way to the honeymoon if you catch my drift...)
That's it, we're gonna just have to get married, take a train ride to NY, ice skate then head to the UK...... ;)
I just learned flagpole sitta. It's right easy, but it's always been one of my favorite songs, and now I can PLAY the bass part, rather then just pretend like I know how.....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/16/2002 10:02:00 PM |


I would love to see the northern part of New York. I wouldn't mind seeing the actual city either, but if I had to choose, I'd rather go upstate, simply because of how beautiful it is there. One of my goals in life is to go to New York City in the fall and winter seasons and go ice skating with my "special someone" in Central Park. I don't know why, but that to me seems to be one of the most romantic things EVER! It's weird, I know. But don't worry--I won't actually go until that "special someone" is really, really special.

Anyways, Ryan--I was being serious about London, so... I wanted to make sure that you were too. Are you? Because I'd really love to. Lemme know. K? Peace my caucasian brother. carly.

Sarah, where are you?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/16/2002 06:16:00 PM |


It's quite lovley, but at the same time WIERD. Trees are only supposed to be a few that turn brown and red and orange, GREED is the color of a forest. And from NY through Mass through maine to canada, it's all red/orange/yellow trees with only a few evergreens here and there. It's pretty, but it's just not RIGHT. I miss home so much...... Sarah's going to CRU now too? How you diggin it? Are you kids going to UWCRU? how's it going there?
It was really good to hear from you again too Carly. I miss you a lot!
So, my little brother might go live with my dad. Hardcore good thing there. It'll be great to take him from my mom's house and get him in a christian home! Ever see that simpsons where marge and homer have the kids taken away with them, and they end up at the flanders's and Flanders goes to baptize them and the marge and homer come at the last minute and maggie has to chose from the simpsons who have like hellfire behind them and they all have horns and the flanderses who have rainbows and harps and halos with them.... Yeah, that's how I picture my mom's environmenet v my dad's house. OHOH! My Mum's sending me SNICKERDOODLES!!!!!!!!1 I'm RIGHT excited. (my Mum is my stepmother in case you kids didn't know. I've picked that up here, because see, everyone here calls their mom's their mum's. and Well, my stepmom is just as close to me as my mom, so now my stepmom's me mum.)
So anywho, Carly, have you given much thought to what we left off on last time? I'm really biased to ministry myself. I mean, look at the career I'm going into... I get to talk to people about God all day, and get paid for it. I realize that it's an oversimplification and in a study I heard, the #1 most stressfull job in America was the president. #2 was the guy in charge od a hospital, and #3 was a pastor. So, well, I'm in for a bit of a challenge, but fudge it, I get to study the bible and get a degree, then I get to have a job where it's all about Mr. Christ. Sweet eh? So, that's why I'm glad to be here, not only is it CHEEP! but it's also one of the best schools to prep people for ministry, and honestly I think that Jon should deffinatly be here. He wants to be a worship leader, and this is the place to get a lot of the training for the stuff that comes with it. Puls I want him here near me! But I dunno, if you're looking in to ministry at all, you might want to look in to bethany... Not that I'm biased at all, or that I would DIE if you came here out of sheer joy, but I really thikn this is a great school...
My rantings aside, do you know what you want to go into, what you want to do? Do you know where you're going next year...?

Oh, and how is my mom loved? I mean, I know that I love and am loved by everyone there, but my mom? Even I have troubles loving my mom at times.....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/16/2002 11:18:00 AM |

Thursday, October 10  

Ryan! It was so awesome to hear your voice this morning! It was cool, because you called like, 3 seconds after I woke up! It was perfect timing! Sorry we lost connection though in the middle of our conversation... it made me sad. I wanted to keep talking... Anyways! How is New York? What does it look like? With all the fall leaves and the breeze and such? I'm sure it's loverly!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/10/2002 05:01:00 PM |

Wednesday, October 9  

*sniff* *sniff* I miss cru. A lot. Give everyone a HUGE hug for me. And tell them all I love them and miss them a lot.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/09/2002 08:10:00 PM |

Tuesday, October 8  

Well, of course you're coming, Sarah! And I was hoping you WOULD play djembe! Perhaps I wasn't hinting enough... Anyways, yes! Go to CRU! And I will see you there after my class. Wow, the weeks seem to pass by so quickly... it's amazing. Well, I'm off. I have more homework to complete. How is everyone else doing?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/08/2002 11:18:00 PM |


it sounds... AWESOME

| Ryan spilled @ 10/08/2002 07:53:00 PM |


you know what I wanna do? This Christmas? I wanna get my friends together and go Christmas caroling. But not just any Christmas caroling! I want me and Jon to play our guitars and for somebody else to be playing the djembe and I want everybody else to be singing and laughing and having a jolly good time! I think it would be so much fun! We could go all over the place! And we could do it more than one night! We could go several nights! And if you have your acoustic bass skills down fairly well, you should be playing as well! What do you think? Doesn't it sound totally fun!?!?!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/08/2002 03:27:00 PM |


Te he he, I like this playing bass thing, we're talking about scales in music fundementals, and I already get it! te he he! I never ever thought that I'd ever be able to play anything musical at all, yet here I am, rockin out the bass!!! Yippie! I dunno if I;ll be good enough this summer, but I'm really excited to get me an acoustic bass and play with you and jon come worship this summer. tehehehe, maybe even this christmas! I need to go get me some worship tabs so I can play along :) I'm so excited! te he he he he. I was going to talk a lil more about the whole situation with the girl I've been digging, but she's sittin gnext to me now, so, um, maybe....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/08/2002 10:27:00 AM |

Sunday, October 6  

hmm... I think fender may make some. But honestly, I'm not sure... I don't know bass. But I'd check out or and look to see if you can't find something good there. Look at what are listed as the best and then look to see if you can't find something similar on ebay.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/06/2002 02:11:00 PM |


So, e-bay has a lot of acoustic basses for only about $200. I don't know much about acoustic gutiars, ESPECIALLY basses.... ANy brands to look for, any to avoid?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/06/2002 01:51:00 PM |


My roomate! So, now I know glicerine, again I go unnoticed, AND Lion-o by reliant k. ANd while I have a superchick tab, it's waaaay off..... But now I'm going to go get tabs for some 3eb, and I have my incubus CD, and the drive tabs look rather playable for mees.... I'm SO excited! I hope I can convince my daddy to buy me an acoustic bass for christmanss. There's a kid downstaird who has one and it's the coolest thing EVER. Plus that way I can play with yous and jonny boy at our fun worships! Woo Hoo! I've always wanted to play bass, and now I CAN! I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

| Ryan spilled @ 10/06/2002 08:42:00 AM |

Saturday, October 5  

where did you get the bass?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/05/2002 07:52:00 PM |


So, I know how to read bass tabs, what a few notes are, and how to plat "Again I go unnoticed" by dashboard, and glicerine by bush. I've got some incubus tabs, but my incubus cd's are in Josh's car, and it's wierd not playing along to anything, and the Sparta song is mad not easy... So I'm off to find new tabs, muhahaha! THe bass is right easy, I'm diggin it a lot.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/05/2002 07:39:00 PM |


right on!!!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/05/2002 05:38:00 PM |


So,I love saturdays I wake up at noon, drag myself to lunch, and I have nothing to do for the rest of the day. So, you knopw what's I'm going to do? I'm going to learn how to play a bass......

| Ryan spilled @ 10/05/2002 10:30:00 AM |


Yeah, I had a right good talk with luke last night before he went to NYC for the week. YOu see, him and Lily are in the middle of huge melodrama right now, and he gave me some good advice that I've been giving to people here... (it's funny how you can never remember or listen to your own advice...) Basically, give it a month, and if you still feel for someone then, THEN act on it...
ANd how could you NOT get that dashboard refrence? "This Ruined puzzle" I think it's track 4 off of THe places you have come to fear the most... (My little brotha has that CD now, and so my 2 dashboard CD's have all the songs, puls random ones, and ep's, so I can't remember the track listings anymore, just the names.) "But I've hidden a note, it's pressed between pages that you've marked to find your way back, it says, 'does he ever get the girl?' But what if the pages stay pressed, the chapters unfinished, the stories too dull to unfold? Does he ever get the girl..."

I've got to say, I think that's one of my favorite songs by you.... That and this month, I alway change my mind on wich one I like better... I love the picture you paint of him... It's Right cool eh?

| Ryan spilled @ 10/05/2002 08:33:00 AM |

Friday, October 4  

In response to your second to last post. Yes, Richard. In reference to Track 4 Richard. Haha. That's pretty funny. People better not start calling him that, otherwise he'll wonder what's up... And I don't think I'm ready to let him know that there's a song about him. Especially the bit that says, "So what has that evil girl gone and done to you? Does your heart ache? Does your flesh burn? Are you feeling kinda blue?" Because those lyrics are referring to how I hope he does feel that way, since that's the way I felt with him. So... don't say anything. That is, if you ever do meet him. He's still my friend and we get along peachy swell now, so there's no reason for my friends to be harsh towards him in any way.

Now, moving onto this girl. I think you may be getting a bit wrapped up into the whole bridal college mentality. I mean, you should think about the possibilities and the future. Do you think you can picture yourself with her in a dating serious relationship where God is the center? Or do you just picture yourself in a dating relationship with her because you think it would be nice, romantic, or cool, or whatever? I mean, these are things that you may want to consider. And of course, always pray to God for guidance. A wise man asks for help. And whether or not you ask God to open/close doors, He's going to anyways, even if you don't even notice it. So, I think it best to go ahead and pray to Him about all these things and wait on His response.

I really don't wanna see you get hurt, Ryan. Or anyone else for that matter. So, be wise... And about that whole note thing... I guess, if it was a Dashboard reference, then... Yes, I can see why that would be cute, but I didn't put it together that it was a Dashboard lyric. Besides that even, it doesn't seem like you've known this girl very long. Maybe you should wait a while longer before you go releasing feelings and such. I mean, you've only been gone for a little over a month, so honestly, where's the wisdom in admitting to feelings that may be false? I guess, if anything, I recommend you give everything time and keep up with the patience.

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/04/2002 11:58:00 PM |


Well, (in responce to your IM), I wasn't thinking explain like explain the refence, but explain that I'm attracted to her, yet I'm right shy and don't really know how to express it... I dunno I think it would have been cute to take a dashboard refrence like that.... That was the idea there, not to play mind games. It sucks that I'm so blasted shy when it comes to starting relationships... I'm fine as just friends, I'm fine as a boyfriend, but it's that akward middle step...

| Ryan spilled @ 10/04/2002 05:17:00 PM |


RIchard as in track 4 richard? Like that whole song richard? seeing a somethin somethin? is that wise? Are you just settlin because he's a boy and you haven't had a relationship in a long while? Or wait is that me? Being single sucks booty eh? Look what it did to jon and brenna, although really, it worked out for the best for brenna in the end, but it was still not too cool... I'm starting to get attracted to another girl here (see below, heidi...) and well, I just described what I think would be cool to do.... But I dunno, I'm wondering if I'm just getting caught up in the whole, I'm single and I'm here at bridal college mentality. Of course, we have been hanging out a lot. ANd well attractions do seem to come when you hang out with someone a lot, so I really don't know... I'm thinking I just go for it and see what happens... I'm wondering if I should pray that God either opens or closes the doors as he thinks is best, but I dunno if that's such a good idea either, it seems almost like I'm saying, hey god, I'm gonna do it, and if you don't like it, you'd better stop me.... But I dunno though. I've always been the type to just do somtin....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/04/2002 05:13:00 PM |


Lauren and Mitchell are still together. Travis is my safe guy friend--undatable, but my true friend. Jon may be single but I'm not attracted whatsoever. John R. is available still, but that's up to him. He's a great guy, but at the moment, doesn't seem to be interested in dating and I have promised myself to stop pursuing and to become the pursued. So... I dunno yet... But I have a feeling that I'll be dating somebody this year... I don't know why... I just got this funny feeling. You know what's really weird? Richard? My semi-X? We had a thing... He's now going to Cascadia... Hmm... What will happen next in the Adventures of Carly B.? Find out next time on... Shoot, I need to think of a cool channel name. Later!

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/04/2002 02:02:00 PM |


SO there I was right, sitting in the assembly that kicked off the school year, and as they introduced the deans and staff, they had to walk by me, and about halfway thorugh, I got the bright idea to smack them on the booties as they walked by, so I got about half the male staff here, including Dean Sabin, aka the dean of students, aka, that Sabin Nazi... It launched me to celeberty status here, because a few kids saw it and thought I was the bravest man at bethany bridal college. What about Fieona and Tisha? One would asume that by spending time with Jon and john and travis, you would be associating with them by default. ANd I think you should give Lauren a call. She's right cool, and is a groopie like me. And you need a groopie to encourage you lots. Speaking of wich, have you written anything else at all? I do believe you promised me a cd.... So did Jon if I do recall, and I really want one from that boy!!!!!! Be greatfull that I'm not around... Because let's face it, I'm WAY more intimidating then any of the boys you mentioned. ANd what about Trabis? He's cute, he's single..... ANd what about lauren also known as mitchell's girlfriend? Thay still together? because they were attached at the hip this summer....

| Ryan spilled @ 10/04/2002 11:57:00 AM |


Dude! I love the way you draw a picture of everyone! That rocks! I wish I could come to visit you there and meet everyone but that would be too expensive. Well, thus far, all my friends are guys except for Sarah and Molly. Even Molly, I rarely see since she still goes to WHS. But at least Sarah is here with me. I need at least a smidgen of girly friendship. All the rest of my friends are guys. There's (in no particular order whatsoever...) Travis, Jon Johnson, John Reynolds, Austin Foxley, Robby Holland, Kellen Anderson, Mitchell Higgins, and Richard Nichols if I can ever find him... So yeah, 90% of my friends are of the male race... It makes me wonder sometimes... I mean, no wonder I can't get a date. I have so many guy friends, it's probably too intimidating for any other guy to have the gumption to do so!

Ryan, Jon Johnson told me you hit a faculty's behind? What's up with his story?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/04/2002 08:59:00 AM |


I was having a bit of a hard time, but I'm doing a bit better now. THe school part was the easy part, but the fact that I knew nobody was really getting to me. It was hard to go from a place where I had you and erin and josh and jon around me always, and then coming where I wasn't colse to anyone. I've made a few close friends now, and it's getting much better. We went out last night to the bay of fundy and had a bonfire on the beach. It was RIGHT cold though. Lily had been talking the whole time about wanting to go swimming to, so we made her stick to her guns and hop in, it was too funny..... The date is in 2 weeks, and it's not with my former fieancee, but with another girl. Um, yeah, here's an idea....

The Cast of Characters here at Bethany Teen Camp:
Lily Smallwood: My former fieancee, she's 17 from Newfundlund, a Claire Danes Look alike, right silly and rather fun, her and Luke ar kind of dating kind of not, it's right annoying yet funny at the same time....
Luke Pitman: He looks just like Sunshine from remember the titans, he's a right good photographer, and he's taken some sweet pictures that I want to get scanned and post on me website for you kids....
Heidi Bizansen: She looks a lot like Molly, in fact I called her molly a few times when I first met her, so, now, if I come home and start calling Molly Heidi, I apologize. She's the girl I've been hanging out with a lot and am going to go on a date with in 2 weeks.... SHe's a bit of a bubble kid, but hangoing out with me, lily, josh and lily's sister is turining her around...
SHeena Sears: SHe's an annoying preppy little girl from Nova scocia, well, she's not really annoying anymore, she can be because she's right preppy, but she's a good kid. Her and josh are on again off again and it's right annoying because they've only know each other for 2 and a half weeks.....
Josh C somtinorother: He's 20 from upstate NY. He's a bit of an Ambercrombie kid, so he's right preppy and pretty boy at times, but he's got a good heart, and a strong desire to go into ministry. He was extremly backslidden this summer, but some things went down, and now he's here, and back on the right side of things.... Next week I'll be headin to his place down in NY for the weekend.
Brian Keezer: Josh's roomate, and a right funny guy, he's a hardcore kid from Bangor maine. We hang out, but We're not that close...
Nate WOodard: He's a hillarious kid from indiana, he's right funny, and we hang out a bit, but again, we're not that close, all we ever really do is joke around.
Chris wilson: My hippie roomate. I hate hippies... hehe, we joke around a lot about hating each other, but he's a good guy. althouygh he's a hardcore weslean and I'm a baptist, so it leads to intresting theological debates...
Patrick I forgethislastname: He's from south dakota but now he lives acrost the hall from me, he's right cool, but rather shy, we spend hours bitching together about how much we hate the teen camp atmosphere here.

THose are probably the major players in the drama of my life here at school now, but there's a LOT of kids here, well, not really, only 250, but because there's only 250, people tend to get to know every single other person here.....
Random note: SO there I was right, on the way back from the beach with everyone, and I saw these wierd lights outside the window, and I was all like, hey guys, what're these lights in the sky? ANd they were all like, it's probably just munction (a city nearby where we were.) ANd I was all like, no, that's not like any city I've ever seen, could those be the northern lights? ANd josh was all like, shut up Seattle boy, we're way too south. ANd then we came to a clearing in the woods, and it WAS the northern lights. It was the coolest thing I've ever seen! On top of that there was almost no light were we were, and HOLY COW, I've never seen so many stars in all my life! It was right cool. Then we got back in the car, and Heidi busted out some cool scriptures to go with it all, it was right cool. ANywho, it's lunchtime now, so once patrick saves his game here, we're off. Much love, and hopefully more to come.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/04/2002 07:42:00 AM |

Thursday, October 3  

So how are you doing Ryan? I heard you've been having a hard time in school... Is it true? What's going on? I wanna know what's happening in your life. Have you gone on that date yet? Is it with that chick that you were "engaged" to, or someone else?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/03/2002 03:20:00 PM |


But of course. I've been preying lots already, and I'll keep praying. I'm right excited to see her when she comes back. I wasn't expecting her to change so much last time, and I dunno if she was expecting to grow so much either. But I think she knows she'll be growing hardcore this time, and I think it means she'll have that much more growth, and I really am excitred to see how things turn out.

| Ryan spilled @ 10/03/2002 08:18:00 AM |

Tuesday, October 1  

Erin left this afternoon... Pray for her, ok?

| Anonymous spilled @ 10/01/2002 09:49:00 PM |


I didn't cook much at all this summer and it sucked. I love cooking. But ingredients are expensive, and money I don't have... Although I'm thinking I might talk to the guy in charge of the kitchen and get something aranged... He said It's possible to use the kitchen if I runt hings through him ahead of time..... Muhahahaha!

| Ryan spilled @ 10/01/2002 01:30:00 PM |

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