flying plants and honey buckets. and loving Jesus and your mommies too!
Travis smells, yes, yes he does. Car is my hero. Sarah makes me giggle. Lauren is the coolest of the cool. Ryan is a Dork. Leah never posts anymore, neither do Molly, Alex, or Nathan. We miss them. Erin has an excuse, she's in Austrailia.
jesus loves you and your mom
Saturday, November 30
My biggest fear....
I dunno, I have 2 of them.
Both of them are stemmed from what I've seen.
I'm extremly afraid that the girl I think I marry isn't really the same person as the girl I really do mary.
I'm afraid that I'll end up marrying a psycho hose beast and wanting a divorce after a year or two, but not being able to because of kida and the fact that I'm not about divorce and be trapped in a marrage I hate, or be forced to get a divorce. That scares me to death.
As a result I'm waiting untill God makes it painfully clear that she is who I need to be with.
At the same time, my Dad didn't meet his perfect match till he was 40. FORTY.
I'm scared that I'll be so cautious that I wait untill it's painfully clear, but by that time I too am 40.
I don't know if I can wait another 20 years...
So, on another note. Apparently I've got a "Fan Club".
My two best friends here both have a following of females who are quite attracted to them. (There's a 34/66 single guy/girl ratio here....)
Now, Jetchick was a DJ extrodinair, close friends with John Mayer, partied with Oakenfold and Norman Cook, is a good looking man, makes bank and is a genius. Deffinatly a catch.
Luke is probably the most ripped guy here. He doesn't work out, he doesn't eat right, but he's blessed with abs of steel... Every girl on campus lusts for him....
I am a geek.
It's been right annoying to know that everyone is attracted to my two best friends and not to me.
Not that I'm really complaining all that much, I'm used to not being an attractive man, and I really don't think that I need a relationship at all right now.
So the other night a friend of mine from the "Other" Dorms tells me that I've got a bit of a fan club.
Jetchick has his harem, Luke's a manho... I now aparently have a fan club.
It's starting to drive me nuts. Megg won't tell me anyone who's supposedly attracted to me, just that there are a few... (Jetchick knows of at least 1 and probably 2, but he's not telling either...)
This information from last night, paired with Lily telling me that I actually AM one of the guys talked about in the girl's dorm (And that I'm #2 on her list of dateable men on campus...) is really throwing me for a loop.
I've grown up my entire life knowing 2 things.
#1) I'm tall.
#2) I'm not attractive to those of the female persuasion.
But all of a sudden, I'm learning that this 2nd fact might not be true anymore.
I'm loud, I'm obnoxious, I smell kinda funny, I make bad jokes, I pick my nose, I'm a slacker, I'm quick, but I tend to say really dumb things, I have really bad smelling farts, I did finally shave, but I had a REALLY ugly beard, I'm not all that funny, I have chronic foot in mouth disease, I'm chubby, I look like the geek from just shoot me.....
I could totally go on....
Yet for some stupid reason, I'm one of the attractive men on campus. (Apparently the girls are getting really desperate)
Anywho. My point is. In spite of the fact that I'm a big loser, I'm apparently found attracteve by some.
Now, let's compare me to you two.
You're both beautiful....
You're both music geeks... (I wonderfull thing I might add...)
Car, you can rock the gutial and sing like none other....
Lauren, you're the coolest kid in the music sceen I know.
You're both smart. (smarter then me, but that's not saying much)
You're both kind, loving, gentile.
You two are amazingly better then I.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/30/2002 11:26:00 PM |
I shaved. FInally. It's wonderfull. My 4 weeks growth was hedious.
Lauren, I'm with Car. You're quite pretty, and quite fantablous in ways more then physical.
Of course, Car needs to listen to herself more often too.
What she said applies to the BOTH of you.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/30/2002 11:06:00 PM |
I know yours. You're definitely stupid for thinking it because you're beautiful both physically and mentally. I don't know *what* guy wouldn't marry you. You crazy, crazy...
My biggest fear would probably be, relationship-wise, whether I marry the right man or not. I fear divorce.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/30/2002 10:48:00 PM |
Wow... Jesus Loves You is definitely becoming a place of serious discussion. Well then... I had to do some catching up, but I've basically got it all.
I don't vent... I observe and wonder. That is all I can do, really. I over-analyze, but I'm good at hiding it from people in public. But, mostly, I just observe...
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/30/2002 08:50:00 PM |
MMMmmmMMM Mike's hard Ikes.... ;)
I don't really vent to my journal, I just ramble onver the interne, and even then people still don't always like what I say because I have this tendancy to just type and not think.
I dunno if I'd find you crazy, a little anal, ok, maybe that. but crazy, probably no.
I'd be curious to see to be hoest. I'm extremly curious to know why people think what they think.
I'm always wondering what makes people tick. Where motivations come from? WHY do people do what they do?
I think that there are so many intresting questions to be answered.
We were created in the Image of God.
We sinned, fell, and retain that Sin.
When put together, those two things make for the most remarkable canvas in wich we paint our thoughts, feelings, ideas and reactions.
We're origionally made one way, and we are called to live that way.
Yet we always always fall short. Some more or less then others.
Good wins over our evil, evil trimpus over our good. Why? We're both holy and wreched at the same time. How?
I find the dichotomy within us so facinating.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/30/2002 04:08:00 PM |
I need to hear that song. I love the words... but I've never heard it.
I'm sure I could relate.
But who is there to dictate?
Oh well... it's just life
So I think i'll have a mike and ike.
| TravisM spilled @ 11/30/2002 02:25:00 PM |
I vent all the time.
That's why My stupid Mouth by john Mayer's been in my head for bout a week.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/30/2002 12:45:00 PM |
Friday, November 29
Posted at nearly the same time!
How come you're not on aol?
Well, what can I say? I'm a sexy man, and the ladies just can't help but fall for me...
Foo? What are you, Mr. T? I pity da Foo who don't use caps and spells things like a crazy cracka!
Right o, it's almost 3am. YOu know what that means?
KING 5 NEWS at 11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hear Rick the penut guy is missing. I might cry, he's the coolest part of mariner games.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/29/2002 10:54:00 PM |
Spelling things like normal human beings should also be a prioity as well brotha.
You all
Seriously brotha, seriously.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/29/2002 10:53:00 PM |
Okay.... we need blogger ediquete rulz! don't edit others posts!!! LOL!!! even if your an awesome person and Laruen really does want to marry you! so anywho... luve ya'lll
| TravisM spilled @ 11/29/2002 10:29:00 PM |
GO to both. Do it for me.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/29/2002 08:12:00 PM |
Dude! I can't come home! I'm having WAY too much fun!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/29/2002 08:06:00 PM |
Dude, when is the show?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/29/2002 03:26:00 PM |
Hey, well i'll give ya a call! You guys rock, and I can't wait for the show!!!! Jon is going too so we'll have good 'ol fun.
Cya later
| TravisM spilled @ 11/29/2002 01:58:00 PM |
Prayer always be good eh?
It's nice to know that the all powerfull ruler and creater of the universe always has your back.
I find the names of our blogs to be intresting.
Devious Americans
Food For Fish
Wandering In Circles
I think they could all be Band names...
(Mine's just a haven for computer geeks, so it's got a diffrent style name)
(Ladies and Gentelmen, the Bytecave is proud to introduce those devious americans.... Jeffersonair! They're doing they're new single Wandering in Circles, off their new album Food for Fish comming out next month.)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/29/2002 10:42:00 AM |
Shutup before I hurt you....
I love pedro....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/29/2002 07:23:00 AM |
Wow, Sarah... i've just taken a quick look at your Blog, and I love it! It's so insightful, i'll be commenting on just about every post I do think... :-)
Luv ya all... and I can't wait for Pedro!
| TravisM spilled @ 11/29/2002 03:01:00 AM |
Thursday, November 28
Can you believe I drove to Canada all by myself and I am STILL alive??? I can hardly think it myself!
So, Ryan! I got your message! Sorry I didn't pick up... again. I had it on silent because I was with friends in a movie house watching "A Muppet Christmas Carol" with Leah and company. It was AWESOME! I hadn't seen the movie in such a long time, but since the first time I watched it, it became my all-time favorite christmas film. It's sooo awesome!
So how was everyone else's day?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/28/2002 11:49:00 PM |
Well, Yo Loved, can't get around that eh?
17 days. 2 and a half weeks. I can almost smell the cty.....
Glad to have you round....
Gonna join the trend? Then Click On Ryan is mine. is Car's is Travi's
Sarah's got one, but she's keeping it provate for now.....
I've really enjoied it I've hit 20,000 words in only 3 weeks of typing.
I love it, it works hardcore for me, I still get to talk to all those I love, even though I'm 3,500 miles away and nearly out of phone card minutes again.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/28/2002 04:38:00 PM |
Yep anyone w/ the public address and if you click on Team, you get more stuff... :-)
| TravisM spilled @ 11/28/2002 03:30:00 PM |
Okay, mine works now.... Check it out so.... where's Lauren?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/28/2002 10:55:00 AM |
Noth Bethany Teen camp. I have to goto chaple (Skipping though) and class (Skipping that too)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/28/2002 04:17:00 AM |
Hope I could help you with it some... Well, I know I did. But lemme know if there are any other changes you want. I will try and get those for ya.
Who likes Thanksgiving?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/28/2002 03:01:00 AM |
Wednesday, November 27
And now... my Friend who just set her's up in CHINA! Got hers to work!!! GRRR GRR GRR
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/27/2002 05:41:00 PM |
Oh okay then, your good :-)
And my BLOG still doesn't work!!!!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/27/2002 04:15:00 PM |
I never said I didn't love them, I said they got it wrong.....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/27/2002 02:47:00 PM |
Okay... I can't get my BLOG TO WORK!!!! :-( It's very disturbing. anyway....
For topic at hand. It is true that their are certain lifestyles and religions, which are simply wrong, they do not follow God's written ways of a sucessfull life... As soon as my Blog is up and running you will see what I encountered today. Anyway... Christ called us to love everyone as he loves the church and as God loves all of us... it's the ciruclar love that is the best part of Christianity. But God makes it VERY clear that he HATES THE SIN, not the SINNER. We as Christ followers, need to make that clear to a world that does not understand what it means to truly be Christian, boy, half the world thinks that the people on MTV are Christians! That's a problem.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/27/2002 12:53:00 PM |
Well. Cascadia is a very liberal one... therefore I'm not allowed to disagree with anyone for whatever is is they are or believe... Even though I do at times. But if they knew that I rejected their lifestyle, then I would technically be "oppressing" them. Besides, I want to love all people--muslims and mormons alike--simply because they are made by God. Have we forgotten that Osama Bin Laden was made by God? Should we not love him as the Christians we all claim to be?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/27/2002 10:58:00 AM |
I love being in a school that speaks AGAINST herasy, against abortion, against Muslims/mormans/bhuddists, and cults of all kinds.
American Sterieo types? Meh
Who cares?
THe gospel be what's imporntant.
My multi culturalism?
This is how Muslims got it wrong.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/27/2002 10:37:00 AM |
I decided to restart on my English paper, Sarah, and so far, I have two whole pages! Hurray! And I really like them both. I'm really enjoying the direction I've taken with it... So be proud of me.
Anyways, I really don't want to go to Pointless Class today but I skipped it on Monday and therefore, I would feel really badly if I didn't go today. Allow me to rant a bit, mm-kay? I think I would basically suck as a human being if I left my group hanging in the balance, wondering when I am going to contribute to the end-of-the-quarter group project. Do not fear, people I hardly know! For I come bearing information that will neither stun or shock our class or our teacher because it is generally boring, pointless, and stuck in the past!!! However, that will not stop my teacher from giving me an "A" and say "Very nicely done... I really enjoyed the part where you... um... well... Did you enjoy learning about the Black Panther Party?..." A vain attempt to make me feel better about what I will have presented. Meh...
Alright, it's officially 8:45 and I should be in class... But what's a few more minutes? My teacher won't even notice, or pretend not to. And when I do arrive, she'll smile and say "Welcome, thank you for joining us" because if she said anything else, and in a slight malicious tone, that would make her a hypocrite for making me feel rejected, downcast, and unequal to her as a person and as a woman in general. And so goes Pointless Class... aka "College Strategies 150," also named "Multicultural Communication." Basically, we listen to an older woman prof rant about how she hates America and its stereotypes OR we'll watch movies about people who hate America and its stereotypes. I've come away from this class both irritated and paranoid about what people think of me as a white person and as a woman. I never minded being either before taking this class... So why do I feel this way now? *Ah! I just sneezed!* Alright, I'll take that as my cue to go.
Hope you enjoyed this mini-beast. Will write more later. Oh yeah, and on jeffersonair too.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/27/2002 08:50:00 AM |
Tuesday, November 26
Right then, it's settled.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/26/2002 09:12:00 PM |
I carumba!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/26/2002 08:50:00 PM |
I carumba!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/26/2002 08:46:00 PM |
All in favor of letting Lauren into this site say I carumba!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/26/2002 07:36:00 PM |
Actually that was yesterday. Today is the day that Phil made, then tommarow is the one that Sarah made (We're hoping for good things sarah!) Then it's a week more of our usual days from the LORD, followed by two days from Operah (RUN!) then 3 more from the LORD, one from Car, two from Djiezrcyzk, one more from Phil (Today was interesting, I'l looking forward to his followup) and then finally, we're back with our usual , 6 days fom the LORD, then his usual rest and let one of us schmucks make a day rotation.)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/26/2002 07:26:00 PM |
So, this is the day that the Lord has made?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/26/2002 04:43:00 PM |
Monday, November 25
Dude, no kidding. I wrote a song today all about how glad I am that this quarter will soon be over with--it was an extra credit assignment for English...
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/25/2002 10:18:00 PM |
20 sleeps, then I'm home
| Ryan spilled @ 11/25/2002 09:18:00 AM |
You should apply to bethany too!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/25/2002 09:15:00 AM |
Sunday, November 24
Hmmm, probably not. So you've decided on Trinity then?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/24/2002 10:43:00 PM |
I just realized that I have a portfolio to send to the University of Victoria and I haven't even begun. It's due sometime in December... Best get started, eh?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/24/2002 06:01:00 PM |
I've either been asleep, eating or in church today. Not bad really.... Well, actually it depends on where you draw the line for today. Normally it's when I wake up from sleeping, but I only napped today, I slept an hour this morning, and I just got up from a 2 and a half hour nap now............. SO really, you couls day I also plotted a lot of mayhem this morning as well....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/24/2002 12:01:00 PM |
The only book which doesn't take place in Narnia at all, per se, you're the story of a voyage to find the end of the world and hopefully the Seven Lost Lords (remember Rhoop!). You contain some of the most unique people and places and beautiful descriptions of the whole series.
Find out which Chronicles of Narnia book you are.
The only book which doesn't take place in Narnia at all, per se, you're the story of a voyage to find the end of the world and hopefully the Seven Lost Lords (remember Rhoop!). You contain some of the most unique people and places and beautiful descriptions of the whole series.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/24/2002 11:59:00 AM |
Dude, no one has posted all day? What's the deal??
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/24/2002 01:27:00 AM |
Friday, November 22
The sixth book written, you're nevertheless the first chronologically. You not only describe the creation of Narnia and tell where the White Witch, the lampost and the wardrobe came from, you get to bounce between worlds with the help of Uncle Andrew's weird magic rings.
Find out which Chronicles of Narnia book you are.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/22/2002 03:24:00 PM |
Strange Occurance tonight! It'll be great to see Joe play again. I haven't seen him play in what seems like ages. He is one of the only guitarists I truly admire and aspire to be like. I love his style. It's so awesome.
Hey Ryan, I ended up falling asleep at 9:30 and waking up ten minutes after 2:00! It was AWESOME!!!
So, Sarah, what did you do today?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/22/2002 03:23:00 PM |
You're welcome.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/22/2002 09:05:00 AM |
Thursday, November 21
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/21/2002 09:11:00 PM |
I am a piiirate, who doesn't know anything..... I simply hang out and lay around, and if you ask me if I know anything, I'll just teelll you, I don't know anything.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/21/2002 08:19:00 PM |
I don't know anything.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/21/2002 08:18:00 PM |
I wish I could talk to her more... I miss her.
And dude, I said Nick was flirty sometimes, but not like crazy. Dude, Ryan, you just need to say, "I dunno anything..." so I will feel happy. Because Lauren may say we are cute together, doesn't make us "together."
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/21/2002 05:09:00 PM |
I finally talked to Erin today... It's nice to have for once cleared the air. No more hiding the fact that I'm an idiot, and nobody gets wierd........
| Ryan spilled @ 11/21/2002 07:38:00 AM |
But I hear from you he's really flirty back, and I hear from Lauren and Travis how cute you two are together. Lauren has amazing powers of reading people. She knew after one night that I had a thing for erin... She'd know is he didn't recriprocate I think, and she says you two are a cute couple....... I'm nor dead, i've just moved, but I still have ears and a brain.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/21/2002 04:02:00 AM |
I dunno how nuts he is about me though. You don't know if he is or not because you're not down here to see, watch, observe, and then tell me what he's thinking. So, I can be plum crazy for him and him not reciprocate. Until that's clear, he is not my boy either.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/21/2002 01:03:00 AM |
Wednesday, November 20
Car, please... YOu're nuts about a boy who's nuts about you. Nothing is official, but please, that's just a formality....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/20/2002 10:04:00 PM |
I don't have a boy! He's NOT my boyfriend! Nothing is official! No more of that!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/20/2002 06:44:00 PM |
Ilove orange...
What boy in particular sarah?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/20/2002 04:32:00 PM |
Well, why didn't you just say so? All I hear is DENY DENY DENY! All I can feel for are the colors... the poor colors!!! All they want is love! Can't somebody show them love???!?!?!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/20/2002 01:01:00 PM |
I just don't see how you can have a "preference" when you haven't even tried a color! I mean, they deserve a chance! But you say, "Well, I prefer boys." How would you know if you haven't tried them both???
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/20/2002 12:57:00 PM |
Ryan, nevermind what she just said. She's just prejudiced against colors.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/20/2002 12:44:00 PM |
Yeah, after you left, MSN pulled a fast one on me. Apparently, I was signed out but it neglected to let me know... So, while I thought I was online... I wasn't. That's why. Sorry about that... See you later! Lunch will be very good.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/20/2002 01:46:00 AM |
Tuesday, November 19
Yeah, it works now. It makes me happy that I can read again... yay.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/19/2002 07:14:00 PM |
He's been debugging it for the last 2 hours, apparently there's a lot to work out with the server move..... Riche just IMed me, he said it should work, lowercase names though
| Ryan spilled @ 11/19/2002 03:41:00 PM |
It's still not working!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/19/2002 03:31:00 PM |
Hehe, Yup Riche goofed.....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/19/2002 02:57:00 PM |
Okie dokie.
My spot in the BYTECAVE! has moved, there's now an extra word in the url, and if you don't ad it it doesn't work. But now, it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
| Ryan spilled @ 11/19/2002 02:37:00 PM |
I think riche goofed......
| Ryan spilled @ 11/19/2002 01:56:00 PM |
Sarah, where are you on this fairly large campus? Are you even still here? Class starts in a couple minutes. Talk to you soon.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/19/2002 01:12:00 PM |
So he sent that to you too?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/19/2002 11:20:00 AM |
Wow, Sarah... You really make a girl feel good about what she's writing. Thanks!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/19/2002 01:11:00 AM |
Monday, November 18
The monk chants at St Marks yo. VERY cool.
Thing with Jon? Drama starting to come to a head?
Why is age such an issue at times?
Jetchick is starting to get a thing for kate, it's driving him batty because she's 18 as of yesterday, and he's 23 as of about 3 weeks ago....
At the same time, I'm 20, Luke just turned 19, April's 21, Heidi Bizansen is barley 18, Tina's 22, Lily's 17, Hope's 22....
There's like an age range of 6 years. But really, it's no big deal. Maybe I'm wierd but I don't see that big a problem. There's a few diffrences. Lily and Jetcick don't get along much. BUt there's also a huge personality conflict as well.
My point is, meh, Age isn't that big a deal, yes, there's a diffrence between college kids and high school, kids..... so freshman are questionable... But still....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/18/2002 05:12:00 PM |
Hopefully we'll can go again sometime.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/18/2002 04:31:00 PM |
Sweet, sweet. Sounds like you had a good time! I'm so glad you are getting to do stuff without me, too! I mean, I would have LOVED to go with you last night... In fact, I was really close to telling you "yes" last night, after I was done cleaning the stalls... but you know. Anyways, I'm glad that you are doing stuff with Travis and other people--that tells me you are getting to know other people and dude, that is SO awesome! I hope you are beginning to feel more comfortable hanging out with people "older" than you or "college" kids, or whatever. I would like to go to that same place sometime, where there's singing and such. What was it? Monk chants? It sounded awesome.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/18/2002 02:23:00 PM |
Dude, Sarah! How was it last night? Have a good time? Travis said there was a "thing" with Jon, but besides that, pretty much everything was fine. Travis felt real bad that you had to be in the middle of that whole thing, just so you know. I dunno what happened, but I know that Travis is sorry.
What happened?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/18/2002 12:00:00 PM |
Sunday, November 17
Muhahaha, read the comments punk!
YOu down with the critisism? I realize it's what I've been wanting.... I mean no knock against you either. I think you know that. If there's anything, I'll be saying that you need to talk more because i want to hear more.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/17/2002 10:45:00 PM |
Ok, I think I've fixed the comments... Try it, let me know if it works for you.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/17/2002 06:03:00 PM |
Well, now... What should I say?
I saw Harry Potter: The Chamber of Secrets tonight. I took Kyle and the two kids I babysit. It was awesome. I loved it. It was scary! But great.
I have lots of homework tonight, and honestly, I'm starting to get a little freaked out... I keep saying I'm going to use my time to catch up, but I always manage to screw up somehow. Gosh, I hope I can pull this off. Be praying for me, please! I really need it right now.
Thanks guys!
Love you both!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/17/2002 05:17:00 PM |
What can I say? The joys of being a sexually frustrated 20 year old christian.
Dak! Again with the tease! (If I wan't at bible school, I'd be making so many not so good jokes right now.....)
It's nearly 2 yo time now! Church was over a while ago! Daaaaah!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/17/2002 01:45:00 PM |
Seriously now! I didn't want to not blog something, but I was too tired to blog that much.
Anyways, it's time for church. Sarah and I will go into details later. Love you much.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/17/2002 10:44:00 AM |
Of COURSE it's alright with me! I love Mr. Travis. He'd better post though. There's like 14 people on our list of people, and it's just the 3 of us that post.
Car, you can't tease me like that. 1 sentance, that's all I get? Pack up your desk, you're fired.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/17/2002 09:59:00 AM |
I HAD SUCH A WONDERFUL NIGHT!!! (<---- this is the part where you elaborate and say I had such a wonderfull night, Because... And the fill me in on WHY it was such a good night. "Because...": "... I made out with Nick". "... I made out with the lead singer of swichfoot." "... I got a new car." "... Travis and Sarah made out." "... I found a million dollars." "... I ate reall good chicken at kfc." "... the consert was killer and I had fun." And then proceed to tell me the details of the above intorductory sentance. -Ryan)
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/17/2002 12:45:00 AM |
Saturday, November 16
Hehe, I just realized that I can edit other people's posts :) I'm evil.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/16/2002 07:11:00 PM |
Um, sorry bout that Sarah, I had her distracted for a good long while, that's my fault.......
I'm bringing something so I can write at creation I think. I deffinalty want to get a lot of it written down.
I dunno what is spurring this sudden obsession with the written word, but I'm not complaining much.
Um, car, isn't that a little sudden? I mean seriously, I'm only 20, i shouldnt be thinking of marrage yet... and you, you're not even 20 yet......
| Ryan spilled @ 11/16/2002 09:24:00 AM |
Ryan, I love you, will you marry me and have a million of my babies when you get home?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/16/2002 12:27:00 AM |
I don't think I'm THAT talented... (But I think you are Car (it rhymes!)-Ryan)
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/16/2002 12:20:00 AM |
Friday, November 15
Wait, post where? Here? Or on jeffersonair?
........did that rhyme?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/15/2002 11:28:00 PM |
Dude! This summer! You're on! I will take one with you! They offer some really sweet courses, too. Freelance writing and such. How to write a novel, or a short story, etc. etc. That'll be awesome! We should so sign up together. In the very beginning too, before Creation, that way we don't have any homework to worry about.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/15/2002 04:43:00 PM |
So, somethig's wrong with your comments. I can't get them to work anymore....
Don't you dare cry when I get home! I hate seeing people cry!
Be extra carefull with cuddling. Some people can do it and be just find. But most people DO get the mistaken impression from it. Now, I don't think going as far as Erin is nessisarly a good idea either, but touch is a hardcore expression of feelings. I hug, I booty slap, I give backrubs all the time as my way of telling people I care and appriciate them. But usually cuddling sends more then just the I think you're a good friend message.
Now, I could be wrong, but I've been thinking about this issue a bit here. I've become close friends with a girl (One of my ex-fiancees/GFTBOTY) who touches people every minute of the day....... SHe's like a pushbotton doll. Toutch her to make her talk... And she was making out with a boy here, but her and his approach was, meh, it's just making out...... Of course, the usual confusion of feelings came up, and 2 nights ago, he had to dump her. They wern't even dating, but it was getting to that point where it didn't matter. I'm beginning to see that any physical act done for the sole reason of the pleasure of it is a bad idea. There's just too much crap that comes with it. That's not to say that being affectionate even with friends is a bad idea, but the levels and intentions behind it really needs to be looked at. We had open dorms last night, and I was laying on Lily's bed, and she got up on it to get a picture off the wall behind me, and then she chilled there, and it wasn't a hardcore cuddle, but there was deffinate physical contact, nothing extreme, mind you. Yet as I lay there, I got to thinking about things. I really miss the act of cuddling. It's a really nice thing. You can't ignore though, there ARE consequences that come with even that.....
And I'd be down for a writing workshop ot two this summer. I'm not going to have any time this break, but I would love to this summer.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/15/2002 03:48:00 PM |
Dude, read your comments.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/15/2002 12:48:00 PM |
Word. Not to mention in writing you get better every time you do it.
It helps to read a whole lot too. As in all things, the way to get good is to immerce yourself in it, and then keep doing it.....
I'll admit, my grammar and my spelling are often sub par, but I've never been a huge fan of the technicalities of words, but rather the style and usage of words. I'm not a poet. But I love word usage.
Don't be afreid to let others see what you've written. Show it to Carly and get her feedback.
That's what i really need right now, critisism.....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/15/2002 11:03:00 AM |
That is so cool Sarah! You should start a blog. And don't worry about writing or being good at it. It's all about how you feel and just writing things down. Don't compare yourself to anyone else. Just do your thing, and it'll be great.
I would love to make a copy of the tape for everyone, it's just how expensive VHS tapes are and all that.
Speaking of which, I am going to call Molly today. Maybe she can help me make some copies of lots of things. Leah is dying for Switchfoot footage and Alex and Nathan have been in dire need of the Creation tape, and now Ryan wants the show from last night... Oy! Where am I going to get the money for these tapes!? No worries, I can afford it. And I think mom and dad have got lots of spares that I can use. Fun stuff...
So yeah, be sure you give us the URL to your blog when you feel comfortable, Sarah. That is really rad. You'll enjoy it. And when you don't think you don't have anything interesting to write, write anyway--sometimes, you should write even when you don't feel like it. If you go too long without having written something, then it gets harder and harder to continue. So, try not to miss a day. Always take the time. It's so worth it.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/15/2002 10:48:00 AM |
YOu're darn Right I want a cpoy! Ryan Wiedmaier SPO#252 26 western St. Sussex NB E4E 1E6
And I probably blabbed more the I should've about the Erni and Joshua thing. They didn't tell anyone. But it deeply effected me, and I thought I'd talk about it.
There's actually, an entire plot that I left out because while odds are really really good Joshua and Erin wont be effected by my writing that, this one could deffinatly CAUSE some drama if certian people who have the adress of my site were to read it.... Or would it.... Let's face it while I thought I was hiding my feelings for Erin, everyone knew already, before me.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/15/2002 07:14:00 AM |
I'm right there with ya, Sarah... You're not the only one who's last to hear about these things.
By the way, awesome show tonight--got it on tape. Either one of you want a copy?? Ryan?? Lauren and Travis are in it.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/15/2002 03:07:00 AM |
Thursday, November 14
6 pages, 3,718 words, 16,210 characters without spaces, 19,894 characters with spaces, 42 paragraphs, and 257 lines of text to tell the story of this summer Holy COW was there drama (And still is...)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/14/2002 08:58:00 PM |
Sarah, you realize that me and my brother are playing right?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/14/2002 06:57:00 PM |
I'd just hate for Travis to take the WRX into Seattle. I mean, he wouldn't care or mind at all, but it would still lay on my conscience...
Yes, Rob is way cool. In fact, Ryan! You would like him a lot! He and I are always talking music--we get along great. When you come home, you'll have to meet him. And I think you will because I believe he is coming for my Christmas Eve Ever Mudfootball night.
Anyways, I have to go get ready for the show tonight. Later people!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/14/2002 03:16:00 PM |
Yay, FInally the old happy not in a funk anymore or overanalyzing carly we've missed this past little while!
I'm really glad for you sista!
Who's Rob, new kid? Would I aprove of this... "Rob?"
| Ryan spilled @ 11/14/2002 02:06:00 PM |
Sarah, I am so glad that you love CRU. I really hoped you would and I am so glad that you were able to hang out in that circle with Travis and talk about stuff. I kept seeing you laughing and smiling and I was so glad that you were there. I really did--I kept looking in your direction, in hopes that you didn't mind me chillin' with Lauren, Nick, and Rob. But you looked like you were happy and I was so happy because of it.
I had a great night too. I had so much fun. Lauren was really cool and I am glad she and I got to know each other. (Oh yeah... Ryan, I think this is the Lauren that you were going all crazy about that I needed to get to know and such... Funny, we met on coincidence, not because of you. So, we would have become close whether you recommended it or not... Weird, huh? You saw the connection between us before we did, and yet we were still able to establish that connection without your help. Right on! God works awesomely!) So, did you hear she gave me her second Supertones ticket? Yeah! She won two tickets from Spirit 105.3 and gave me her second one! I couldn't believe it! I'm gonna take my video camera and record the whole show. It's gonna be so awesome. Most awesome will be Pax217, most definitely. I can't wait. It's gonna be sooo fun. I wish you and Ryan would be there with us. Dang it.
Anyways, Nick and I were getting along peachy last night. I felt like there was more of a flirtation from Nick's side of the table. Hooray for that. He would do some little things that were really cute that I don't think anyone else noticed--good thing. But yeah, I had a lot of fun, and I have found that I have relaxed a ton. I think I'm really getting into that Just-Let-Things-Flow mode. I'm so at ease. It's great.
Oh yeah! And Sarah! Nick told me he shouldn't be working on Saturday. He's gonna come!!! Isn't that great!!! And we'll all fit in my car. It's gonna be so much fun! This is going to be one of the best weeks I've had in ages! IN AGES!!! AHHH!!! I am so giddy! I can hardly stand it!
Ok... now I do need a chill pill. I'll write later. Peace!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/14/2002 01:54:00 PM |
So, I've been writing out all the drama over in the bytecave... and I realized that this is just stuff that you can't make up. Our plotlines are more convoluted then those of soap operas. There's just no sex ( really hope at least!), so no babies and evil twins enter the storyline. I'm leaving some things out that are still in the air and are best left where certian people can't read them in order to keep confedintiality, but still, it's rather intresting anywho eh? Now, it's just my point of view too, there's a lot that just I know about, or that I know because I was effected, I'm rather curious to see something simmilar, yet written by say Jon or Travis..... Scary part is I'm only up to the begning of the summer, and it's only now getting hot, but there's already been so much to tell....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/14/2002 10:35:00 AM |
I may be gone, but I can still pester you all with love muhahahahah!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/14/2002 05:14:00 AM |
Wednesday, November 13
At this point I need to see if I'm working or not I don't want to, I HATE working pointless stupid jobs, but I need the $
| Ryan spilled @ 11/13/2002 12:24:00 PM |
Ryan!?!?! Will you come??? PLEASE!!! If you don't have the cash, I bet all of us could pitch in something for you! I know we would!!! It's over New Years! You simply must!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/13/2002 11:00:00 AM |
Like in vancouver? The 15th!?!? I fly home december 15th.
(And I have that CD now....)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/13/2002 08:39:00 AM |
Tuesday, November 12
It's sometime in December for us... December 15th? 16th? Maybe the 17th? Clarification Sarah...
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/12/2002 09:54:00 PM |
Over new years I really want to go, we;ll see if I'm working and if I have $ But I'm deffinatly all for packing up the WRX and listening to brittany again!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/12/2002 08:05:00 PM |
Wait! When is the retreat???
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/12/2002 05:18:00 PM |
OK, NEW MISSION! (In addition to getting me cool show posters.) I lost my favorite jacket just before I left. My gray kenneth cole nylon jacket. YOu know the one I would always wear? It's really pimpin, I look great in it, but I dunno where it went. My guess is wither Travis' Josh's Erin's, or my dad's. It wasn't in my apartment. Think that if you can see it you can snag it so I can get it back?. Because I really miss it right now...... Anywho, I'm now really off to see the movie! Much Love you crazy kids!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/12/2002 04:24:00 PM |
So last night you think I'm proposing when I talk about performing your wedding ceremony, and now you're saying how you miss me so much eh? What does nick think about all this? ;) (Note that I do miss you incredibly much so as well........)
| Ryan spilled @ 11/12/2002 04:09:00 PM |
I miss everyone. It'll be intresting when I get home. Between you two, and Tisha, and Fi, and my dad, and my brother, and Travis, and Josh, and Josh, and Andrea, and Lauren, and Leif, Jordan, Nimmer, Ira, and all my other bands I HAVE to see, and Jon, and my mom, and my Aunt (she just had a heart attack) and my other Aunt...... That's like every single day for the whole month I'll be there..... And That's assuming I don't get a job or go on chrsitmas retreat! (Although to be honest, I think I'll spend most of my time with you Carly, and with My brother and my dad and mum, and Tisha.... You guys are the ones who I've been really close to this whole time... Specially you Carly, I thikn we may have gotten even closer since I lefted eh?) Bout a month! And yo quite right Sarah, Good times WILL be had by all.
So I wrote Tisha an e-mail last night, after talking to travis, just to let her know that I love her and I'm praying for her, and to give her some support.... Well I got a reponce back, and it sounds like it was something she really needed to hear. I keep fnding myself in the right places and saying the right things to people. It's Great to see how God's working through me.......
Although April did shoot me down once she got the letter, but I'm not to worried. It's not making the friendship wierd at all (Phew!) And it's really kind of a relief, I'm still not ready for a relationship yet. And I thought that was what she might have been looking for, and the whole "Let's take it slow" thing is akward as all get out.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/12/2002 04:07:00 PM |
I miss you so much, Ryan! I can hardly stand it!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/12/2002 12:05:00 AM |
Monday, November 11
Jon once quoted Paul to me. Him and Josh and I used to say all the time "Love the brotherhood." Now, when taken in context, I think Paul was refering to not just the men of the church, but the entire church. Well, Love the brotherhood should really include the anchient law, "Bro's before Hoe's" Not to bash on you womenfolk in anyway, that's just the rhyme. Two months ago, Josh was talking about marrying Fi. Now, Jon is dating Fi. I'm really pissed off because as a reslut I see one of my friends hurt, and another one who I've been extremly close to, well, he's about to get hurt extremly much so. Josh still doesn't know, and when he learns (wich he will) It's going to kill him.... It makes me right mad. Top it off with the fact that Tisha is still hurt by Jon, and she loses it when him and Fi leave. Grrr, I've got a lot to say to him when I get back... I'm going to shut up now though, it does me no good to gossip about my feelings, or pass the judgement that I am. So, Pray for a few things will you kids? Pray for Tisha and Josh. God is the ultimate mender of boken hearts, but it sucks ass to have a heart be broken. Pray for Jon and Fi, that they (how Do I phrase this right...) I dunno what to pray for them really. While they're not being hurt like Jon and Tisha, they're still in the middle of a big mess. Pray for me and Travis and everyone else involved, let cooler heads prevale, I love james, james 1 talks about praying for wisdom. Well, pray that everyone gets wisdom! That God pours it all out in over abundance. That through all the passionate feelings of everyone involved, cool heads prevale, and what is a mess now doesn't turn into a full blown war later. But most imporntantly, pray that God has his hand in all of this, and that it's his will that is done. That in the end, if people should be together, they are, if people should be apart, they are, but most imporntantly, that he uses everything that happens to being us all closer to him. I love everyone involved dearly, and I hate seeing people get hurt like this left and right...... But I just hope that through everything, we can all focus on God and let things sort themselves out the way they should.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/11/2002 08:51:00 PM |
Can you do me a favor? Can you get me Posters for all the common heros and Pris and 5 second silence shows you can? I want to plaster my room with them..... That way i can at least have the comfort of my friends band's posters up if I can't goto the shows.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/11/2002 10:52:00 AM |
0I'm going to cry. I really am.
Saturday Warehouse 91 Maple Valley (don't have address yet) ALL AGES SHOW - CD Release for our Christmas EP! Also starring: New American Standard, OOM, and 5 Second Silence. Details to come.
I just read this on THAT"S A WEEK BEFORE I GET BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Ryan spilled @ 11/11/2002 10:50:00 AM |
Don't rub it in..... I doodles a picture of seattle today....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/11/2002 10:28:00 AM |
We're going to Seattle today! Oh joy! Oh rapture!!!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/11/2002 10:10:00 AM |
I miss everyone from UW CRU a lot..... It doesn't help that half of my friends from there have graduated.......
| Ryan spilled @ 11/11/2002 07:05:00 AM |
Sunday, November 10
I really want to come to. Let me talk to my parents about it. Maybe they'll pay for half. Just give me tonight--we're actually having a family dinner. Weird, huh? So... I'll ask tonight. Besides, I'm spending the night at your house tonight, so I should be able to let you know when I come over. Later!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/10/2002 05:17:00 PM |
Saturday, November 9
It's too bad I don't know much about football, because otherwise I might be able to understand the whole thing... But I think I got a good grasp as to what you are saying. I hope it all turns out well. And I also hope you spend a lot of time talking to her in person too. I'm praying for ya!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/09/2002 04:56:00 PM |
I'll be going, and I really want to make a little side trip to visit a girl who goes here but lives in abbotsford....
I'll be there, with bells on. And I'll bring the boys.
So, today's been a football and boys day. I got up, played internet games with my boys from back home. Played football with some of the boys here, then farted around till the WSU v Oregon game, and tonight it's more of the boys....
Although during the 2nd half og the WSU game I was writing a letter to April, not some cheesy waffley mind game letter, but a rather to the point one. As soon as I got to the part where I came out with everything, I thought, how cool would it be if they threw for a touchdown right after I wrote this? Think God would be telling me something? We then broke a near sack for a lot of yards, and a few plays later, touchdown. I thought cool, that was an intresting coinsidence, but would God really be talking to me through a football game? I think I'm just making this up in my head. Besides, it was like 4 plays later, and I wasn't writing anymore because I wanted to see what would happen. Then As I got back to writing, I ended with a recap restating the fact that I was attracted to her, and I think that's what I got out of her letter, and we got an intreception right after I finished. I thought, wierd but nice coincidence eh? Then as I was about to sign, touchdown from 2 plays after the inteception..... It's not like me to take anything as signs, and I'm not at all. But I just think it's really neat how it worked out. I hate to sound crackpot and say it was a sign (intresting freudian slip there, I almost forgot the g...) from God, but at the same time, I don't think it's beyond his power eh? I'm not going to take too much stock into it. I'm pretty sure it was just a football game, but it is reather cool and encouraging eh?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/09/2002 04:42:00 PM |
Can you pay?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/09/2002 03:53:00 PM |
Mudfootball--Christmas Eve Eve.
My house. Noon.
It's gonna be killer. Bring your friends.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/09/2002 12:27:00 PM |
You know what's almost as good as snow football? THe shower afterwards. The aches start to settle in, but it's the good kind of ache. The satsifying game well plaied ache. My thighs are jello right now from trying to stand in the slop out there. But that hot shower.... Ahhhh that hot shower. The blood comes off (although I got some of McCracken's on my shirt...) The dirt washes away, (Although I noticed a little in the cracks of my elbow I couldn't quite get out...), the turtle isn't afraid anymore, and all those spots that you though were numb from the cold wake up again........ I Love Football.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/09/2002 11:40:00 AM |
There's something to be said for tackle football in the snow. The mud, the hits, the slips, the cold, the cuts, the touchdowns, the snow in your boxershorts, the Catches, the tackles.... I'm soaked, I'm cold, I'm caked in mud, there IS snow in my boxers, I'm bleeding... But I'm extremly happy. I love farting around playing violent games in miserable conditions. Only thing that would have made me happier (aside from not losing) Is if it had been blizzard conditions. I noticed though, that we started playing flag football, so girls wouldn't be so intimidated. Thing is, none of em came out anywho. So we then swictched it up to tackle... It must be a guy thing, I know so many of us who get proably too much pleasure fro stupid things. It's why Jackass is so popular. It's stuff we all do anyway. Like the old game of dead arm, or the favorite dorm pasttime, throw the ball down the hall and try to hit someone in the pills, or the punch something really hard till it breaks and your knuckles bleed game, or the sit in a hot tub for an hour on the hottest day of the year game, or Jumping 80 feet into 33 degree water game. Sad part of it is that nine times out of ten, it's preferable to having to deal with the femles of the species...... Maybe that's why we enjoy it so. By us doing stupid stupid things that girls are smart enough to not do, we don't have to deal with you for that little period of time. Intresting... I had to choose a noun there to discribe the members of the opposite sex. Do I say girl? Or do I say woman? Because I'm not ready to be dealing with full blown women yet, but the kids around without junk are not girls anymore... I hate getting older, but at the same time, I realize that my immaturity and stupidity will always be with me, it's in my chromosomes. the one you don't have.... And while some people might not want to be immature and stupid forever, the more I get older, the more I start to love it...
| Ryan spilled @ 11/09/2002 11:16:00 AM | I think I'll be going with Riche's advice on this one.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/09/2002 01:12:00 AM |
Friday, November 8
I'd go w/ Jetchick's advice. Wait it out a little longer, see if she makes it more clear? Sounds to me like a mind game...
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/08/2002 04:40:00 PM |
I still think one of the funnest nights ever was when travis michell erin and I played board games in the WRX the first night travis had it waiting in the 3 hour line for krispy Kreme....
So I got a note in my mailbox today from April that has the line "I really like (!) Have you noticed?" Jetchick's advice is classic "She's a girl. Bet low, but keep hanging out with her..." (Neither of us understand the female species at ALL) Of course, you kids are girls, and might slightly understand the female psyche far better then I. Whatdya think?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/08/2002 02:52:00 PM |
Thanks, guys, that does make me feel better. I think you're right... I'm just impatient.
So Sarah, when should Leah be home? About what time do you think? And what time are we going to Krispy Kremes? I've never been there... Are we carpooling? Let me know! Call or blog--either way.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/08/2002 11:25:00 AM |
Dude, moving is never fun work. It's rewarding when you help someone more yes, but it's exausting. Tisha came all the way down to visit me the last day I was here, and I still seel like a complete ass because I didn't have much time to talk to her, and when I was done moving I was exausted....... Or it could be that he's withdrawing for the same reasons that Erin would. He's serios about not rushing anything eh? Then he could be just trying to take it easy.......
| Ryan spilled @ 11/08/2002 05:39:00 AM |
Thursday, November 7
Dude, I'm confused right now. I'm crazy about Nick and I love spending time with him, and if I had my way, we would stay up all night talking to each other in his car and maybe fall asleep next to each other at Travis' new apartment or something similar... but that stuff isn't happening. We spent the entire day together today helping Travis move all his stuff from his old place to the new one across the parking lot, and I dunno... there's wasn't much of that normal flirty stuff. Maybe he was tired or something... but I'd like it if he flirted back more. Gosh, I'm really trying here.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/07/2002 10:49:00 PM |
Wednesday, November 6
I dunno If I'll be taking pictures yo... No blackmail photos for you! I did put up a picture of chuck and jon billings on the website for The List , but none of me. Although Luke with a took took a KILLER picture of me I'd like to post. He caught me while I was making a lot of espresso for this thing called the "coffeehouse" a few weeks back. I think he really caught me doing what I love, and so it turned out really well (I hate pictures of myself, but luke's taken some good ones) He's got a KILLER one he took of heidi that I'd like to post, so you kids can know what I'm talking about. Speaking of females I talk a lot about. So April and I had a little music talk tonight. I thik she likes GRITS... She's not a fan, but she doesn't dispise them either, like normal humab beings should do. She DOES like Skillet however, wich is a good sign. But I think her bubbleness is peaking through... However while she's not a music geek, she IS a Poitics, Law and Psychology Geek. And I'm a politics junkie, a Law nerd, AND a psych geek too..... So these are all good things. She doesn't like law and Order though.... that's my favoritest show. But we Are in agrement that CNN ROCKS, and it's mad good that we get it here, (along with KING FIVE NEWS! Your home for Local News! AND KOMO FOUR NEWS! Your First for Local news......) Plus she drives like a bat out of hell, like I do! She almost hit a guy that everyone hates, and it was great! She hit the curb instead though.... damnit.... I think I might keep the beard through till I go home. It's the playoff rally for the hocky team, so why not go another 2 weeks and use it as a Finals week rally too? Speaking of finals, I got my midterm grades, I'm failing theology 101, but I still have a 2.97 I've got 2 A-'s 2 A's and a b......... Not bad eh? Mext semester's going to rock too...... Acts, Ethics, Personal Evangelism, Bib Lit II (NT), Pastoral councling, Crisis councling........ My little brother's going to get recruted HARDCORE by WSU it sounds like. He'll probably red shirt next year, but in 2 years watch ALL the WSU games, because He'll be playing. And it'll be GREAT because I'll be able to watch them on KOMO channel 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I've already reserved the big TV for the WSU oregon game saturday....... Sweetness...! So, made out with Nick yet?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/06/2002 09:10:00 PM |
I can't wait to see those pictures... Dec. 1st--I'll be looking.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/06/2002 11:35:00 AM |
So, now it's on, I'm a charter member of The List Now then, 3 weeks of facial hair... Combind with the fact that I haven't had a haircut since July 3rd (and it was a bad one at that... Hell, I've still got the higlights from creation) So, we'll see what happens between me and April then eh? If she's really intrested in ME or not.....
| Ryan spilled @ 11/06/2002 10:35:00 AM |
Tuesday, November 5
Well, I think I already told you that Nick had given me a ride to my car that night. So I could take my car to Cascadia and p/u my bike, that way I didn't have to ride late at night. He's just nice like that! It's crazy!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/05/2002 10:45:00 PM |
Monday, November 4
really now?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/04/2002 08:37:00 PM |
OY!!! with an added AHHH!!! is how I have been feeling all day long.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/04/2002 07:21:00 PM |
hey hey, you're on eh? That's actually pretty typicall here in ingerhole... You'll see the full moon at least twice a day.....
On a side note, my friend's dad started me a blog on the family page, so I've been doing a lot of ranting Here
I guess I shouldn't call Mr. Riche my friend's dad, he's kind of like my um, well 2nd dad, he's closer to me them my mom's husband... So I dunno if my friend's dad is the right title for him..... But you get the idear.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/04/2002 10:56:00 AM |
I'm sorry. How can I help make up for it? WOuld you like me to attempt to stand on my head only to fall flat on my face and get a outhfull of snow? Or shall I run down the hall with no pants on? Just name it and I shall humiliate myself in an attempt to cheer you up.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/04/2002 10:27:00 AM |
Sunday, November 3
I ride my bike to school tomorrow. Maybe you'll catch me. I'll look for you, Sar. Have a good birthday? Besides the funeral and everything... Generally speaking? Was it good?
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/03/2002 11:20:00 PM |
That's absolutly romanticly cute and sappy and if I could I'd smack you because i'm jelous.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/03/2002 03:25:00 PM |
Saturday, November 2
jeffersonair will give you a semi-understanding of the night. Not in full detail, but a general summary.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/02/2002 08:56:00 PM |
Cracka please. Do not for a second think that you can get away with that little detail!
On a side note, thank GOD for snow. If there wan't snow on the ground I might be getting violently cranky, not just extremly grumpy, yet slightly giddy like I am now.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/02/2002 08:21:00 AM |
It has been a wonderful evening. No, he didn't kiss me, for which I am glad. Save that for our second date.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/02/2002 03:45:00 AM |
Friday, November 1
Dude, there's like 3 inches of snow on the ground. In the span of like 3 hours. It's the coolest. I had a huge snowball fight, tackled a girl who I find rather cute, and got EXTREMLY dizzy rolling down a hill, in the show. My ands went numb for a while, and my hoodie is soaked through, but I don't care.
I LOVE snow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
| Ryan spilled @ 11/01/2002 09:50:00 PM |
Well, all the reasons I can think of I probably shouldn't mention. I AM in Bible School. It's going to be bitchin when I get back to Seattle for the summer. I'll be 21 yo....... There's nothin in the good book that says you can't goto a sports bar to have a drink or two and eat GOOD wings eh?
| Ryan spilled @ 11/01/2002 05:24:00 PM |
That's the reason why I think I'm shaking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/01/2002 05:16:00 PM |
I can't stop shaking. I really can't stop. Tell me how to stop shaking!
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/01/2002 03:51:00 PM |
Meh, just go makeout with him and you'll be fine.
| Ryan spilled @ 11/01/2002 02:06:00 PM |
hahaha... The butterflies are currently throwing a keggar in the pit of my stomach. I can't get rid of these gitters.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/01/2002 01:58:00 PM |
| Ryan spilled @ 11/01/2002 01:26:00 PM |
It's a date. It's definitely a date. He picks me up at 9.
| Anonymous spilled @ 11/01/2002 12:19:00 PM |