flying plants and honey buckets. and loving Jesus and your mommies too!
Travis smells, yes, yes he does. Car is my hero. Sarah makes me giggle. Lauren is the coolest of the cool. Ryan is a Dork. Leah never posts anymore, neither do Molly, Alex, or Nathan. We miss them. Erin has an excuse, she's in Austrailia.
jesus loves you and your mom
Sunday, May 18
Well this thing is giving me a post from Erin back from the 14th of April... sad day.
| TravisM spilled @ 5/18/2003 04:49:00 PM |
Friday, May 16
Here's the story, of a blue Subaru,
It's name is Blue Ru.
Who was racing all around the sound.
It had lots of fun, with its driver,
Until one day, it met a Saturn.
All was well, but the blue Ru needed some work
So the driver, took the Ru, to the local Jiffy lube
At the Jiffy lube, the work was done
But the driver noticed a funny little whir
And then the "check engine" light came on
So, he took it back the jiffy lube
They said "nothing is wrong, take it Subaru"
At Subaru, the computer said this:
You have no air filter, Jiffy lube messed it up
Here you go, take your filter
So the driver went back to the Jiffy lube
He got his money back, all was well
Till the day the Subaru
Went to get its rear end fixed
All was well, except it took an extra day
But when it was fixed, the security system was "broke"
No one knew why, perhaps it died
Until the driver called, Subaru
Subaru, said it's in valet mode,
Just open the door and hold unlock
All was well
The windshield on the blue Ru,
Had an encounter with a rock
Driver takes the Ru to a repair shop
The repair shop breaks the new windshield
It's even worse than the original one now
The driver can hardly see, oh my
This poor Ru, what should it do?
I think its going to have a coo.
| TravisM spilled @ 5/16/2003 04:32:00 PM |